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Customer Testimonials

Always great service, I have been visiting Anthony for treatment for about 10 years and now travel over 35 miles for appointments. Would highly recommend.

David Farrington, St Helens

Very welcoming and friendly. A very professional service, will definitely recommend!

Mr Scott Howard, Stockport

"Great trust and rapport built up over several years. Cannot recommend the helpfulness and knowledge of Anthony highly enough! "

Sharon Diggles, Rossendale

Even though I am now based in the Middle East, I have not found a podiatrist as competent as Anthony. Always willing to help, advise & treat accordingly with the upmost professionalism. I strongly recommend he is the man to go and see. Excellent service at all times and well worth the journey!

Helen Simm, Cabin Crew, Middle East

I went to Reddish Foot Clinic and just wanted to let people know that the chap Anthony there knows his business and how to help customers. I don't normally do this but for a local business I think more than worth a visit. Thank you

Mr S Bagshaw, Reddish, Stockport

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